Future Projects

There are other critical preventive medicines in short supply and medicines needing improvement for community-based mass drug administration, or both. If you are a manufacturer working on any of the following projects, please let us know at info@bendbiomedical.org so we don’t duplicate efforts.

Each year there are 80,000 cases of yaws. Packaged in blister packs. Permission requested to use photo: www.spaceshipearth.org.uk. AZM.

Yearly, there are over 600,000 cases of congenital syphilis that result in 200,000 fetal deaths, stillbirths, and neonatal deaths. Packaaged in vials. Photo courtesy Sakviseth Bin. BPG.

Neural tube defects occur in up to 6 per 1000 births and total 300,000 cases per year. Taking folic acid before and during early pregnancy can significantly reduce the risk of these disorders. Packaged in 90 count bottles. Photo courtesy BSIP Scientific and Medical Images. IFA.

Africa has 21 million people with onchocerciasis, the second leading infectious cause of blindness in the world. Individually packaged for community-based mass drug administration. Permission requested to use photo: www.cram.com. IVM

Diarrhea kills around 440,000 children under five every year. This is the third most common cause of child deaths worldwide and can be cured by inexpensive oral rehydration therapy. Packaged as powder for dilution in sachets. Photo courtesy Ralf Falbe. ORS.

Female genital schistosomiasis affects at least 40 million girls and women, mostly in sub-Saharan Africa. Packaged in blister packs. Permission requested to use photo: gho.org. PZQ.

There are 240 million cases of malaria each year with 400,000 deaths. 90% of all cases are falciparum malaria. Packaged in blister packs. Permission requested to use photo: theconversation.com. DHA-PPQ.