We provide high-quality, low-cost medicines to prevent and cure serious diseases in neglected populations around the world.
Over 500 million people are afflicted by one or more of our target diseases, with children disproportionately affected.
Preventable and curable diseases persist in neglected populations because quality medicines fail to reach those in need. Though treatments exist, low supply, poor packaging, and counterfeit drugs reduce trust and coverage in low- and middle-income countries.
We address this by producing essential medicines in short supply and improved medicines for mass drug administration. Our drugs are reliable, high-quality, and packaged in child-resistant, tamper-evident, and eco-friendly materials that are easy to understand.
At Bend Biomedical, we believe everyone deserves quality medicine. Period.
Our guiding principles
We are practical.
We understand that community-based mass drug administration is the most practical way to reach everyone in need of preventive medicines.
We are idealistic.
We believe there are enough global resources to treat all preventable and curable diseases in developing countries.
We are determined.
We are on a mission and will make progress regardless if it’s through giant leaps or small steps.
Join us to help stop suffering and save lives.
A donation of just $25 pays for over 450 life-changing doses of medicine to cure or prevent a serious disease.
Just $25 can greatly impact the health and well-being of communities around the world. The millions of people who otherwise may have been impaired or permanently disabled will have a chance to be productive in school, to marry, and to earn a living…because of you.

The world will not eliminate these highly prevalent preventable and curable diseases until it manufactures enough medicine to do so. –Jonathan Prather, Ph.D.
I applaud you and your team for the work you are doing. It will help so many people around the world, especially in regions that do not receive this type of aid… I wish you and your team the very best.
Mike “Coach K” Krzyzewski
Mass Drug Administration coverage remains an important indicator in elimination of Lymphatic Filariasis. Drugs should preferably be distributed in blister packs to increase acceptance.
Sitikantha Banerjee, M.D.